Home Personal Development The coconut and the stone – A tale of choices

The coconut and the stone – A tale of choices

Hindu Temple

Going to a temple is a fundamental part of Hindu culture, centered on faith and connection to the divine. Some people visit daily, others weekly. One common thread connecting these visits is the offering of a coconut to the deity. In this age-old practice, hundreds of devotees flock to temples, clutching coconuts in their hands, eager to express their reverence and appreciation. However, behind this hallowed rite lies a significant lesson, as revealed by the story of a stone that has ached from years of bearing the brunt of coconut offerings.

Stone’s Silent Suffering:

At first, the stone ignored the coconuts that came its way. Stoically, it took the impact of each coconut, carrying out its function without complaint. But as time passed, the stone began to experience intense and persistent discomfort. The unrelenting assaults seemed to be ripping apart its fundamental core.

A Life-changing Revelation:

The stone said to itself one terrible day, unable to take the torture any longer, “I can’t endure this torment any further.” It reflected on its choices and realized that it had chosen the incorrect course in life. The stone recalled a key occasion when it had the opportunity to accept an offer from a talented sculptor. If it had chosen correctly, it could have been converted into a lovely statue of the deity, free of the constant agony.

Our Lives as Stones:

The story of the stone in the temple contains a profound message for our lives. Like the stone, we are confronted withoptions every day, each with the ability to shape our fate. The choices you make are crucial; they shape your life, defining if you’ll be content or plagued by regrets and sorrow.

Power of Choice:

The message is clear: the decisions we make have the potential to shape the quality of our lives. Just as the stone could have avoided agony by making the correct selection, we, too, can prevent suffering and regret by making informed choices. Every decision we make represents an opportunity to shape our life into something beautiful and meaningful.


In the sacred confines of Hindu temples, where coconuts fall and stones carry the weight of devotion, we discover a timeless message. Let us remember the stone’s narrative as a reminder of how important our choices are. May we aim to make decisions in life that lead to fulfillment rather than unnecessary suffering and regret? Just as the stone could have become a wonderful statue, we, too, may carve out a beautiful and purposeful existence via our choices.

The narrative also teaches us that the stone that took the brunt of devotion serves as a reminder that each decision we make is a brushstroke on the canvas of our lives. It is a call to embrace the power of choice and take the opportunity to transform our life into something amazing.

Like the stone that may have become a deity’s statue, we all have the potential for grandeur within us. Let us use the gift of choice wisely, like a chisel, to carve a life full of purpose, fulfillment and beauty. May we weave conscious decisions into the tapestry of our path, bringing us away from grief and regret and toward a life that reflects our devotion, courage, and knowledge?

Remember that the stone’s trip is our journey, and its story provides motivation to become the sculptors of our own destiny.



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