Home Social Media & Mental Health Harmful effects of the Internet

Harmful effects of the Internet


We now live our daily lives mostly online. We use it for a great deal more than just business and enjoyment. It has revolutionized our interactions, economic practices, and information gathering about the outside world. However, there are harmful effects of the Internet. Though the internet is a vital part of our life, it is also clearly harmful to our physical and mental health.

Cyber Security Dangers

Giving people a forum for online conversation, the internet may be a very useful tool. Sometimes more difficult to spot, cyber bullying can seriously harm a person’s mental health. Because attackers can remain anonymous online, victims may find it difficult to receive help or exact retribution. Direct and indirect attacks, such jokes, rumors, threats, or viral videos, can all be considered cyber bullying. Social exclusion, impersonation, and humiliation can also be part of it. These kinds of actions can cause social isolation, anxiety, low self-esteem, sadness, and, in the worst circumstances, suicide.

Phishing Attacks

One specific type of cyber attack known as a phishing attack involves the attacker posing as a trustworthy business or website in an attempt to obtain personal information from the victim, including login passwords or credit card details. Usually distributed by text message or email, phishing attacks often contain links or attachments that are harmful.

Ransomware and Malware

Malware and Ransomware, among other computer infestations, let attackers take over a victim’s system without permission. One can have malware launch a DDoS assault, take over a machine, or even steal data. In contrast, Ransomware keeps a victim from using their computer until a ransom is paid.

Anxiety Disorders

Users of the internet may experience a variety of psychological consequences as well. Excessive internet use has been linked in research to depression, anxiety, and even addiction.

 Anxiety and Depression

When one uses the internet excessively, they may feel alone, which can trigger anxiety and sadness. A person’s mental health may suffer long-term if they use the internet excessively and feel cut off from the outside world.

Internet Addiction

When someone cannot manage their online behaviors, they have internet addiction, a dangerous psychological disorder. Abuse of the internet could result in addictions to social media, video games, and even online gambling.

Social networking is now a necessary evil in many people’s life. But it may also lead to a risky reliance. The uncontrolled want to browse social media networks, frequently for hours on end, is known as social media addiction. Addiction of this kind can cause anxiety when missed alerts happen and an obsessive need to monitor social media notifications all the time. Additional mental health problems including low self-esteem, depression, and OCD can also result from extended use of social media.

Privacy Concerns

The internet can also raise privacy issues. Particularly social media is reputed to be a haven for cyber stalkers and other online predators. Furthermore, most big websites and internet services monitor and save user information, which can be exploited for evil intent or targeted advertising.

Internet predators and Cyber Stalkers

Cyber stalkers are people that harass or stalk their victims online. They might post defamatory material about their victims online or send abusive comments on social networking. Conversely, online predators utilize the internet to find weaker people—like children—and try to bring them into circumstances where they can be taken advantage of.

Computer Vision Syndrome

A further possible health risk connected to the internet is computer vision syndrome (CVS). A condition of the eyes known as CVS is brought on by extended usage of computer screens. Among the symptoms of CVS are headaches, blurred vision, eye strain, and muscle pain. Because of bad posture, it can also result in neck, shoulder, and back pain.

Unhealthy Sleeping

The internet and sleep deprivation are two very real concerns. Extended usage of digital screens might increase the difficulty of falling asleep and cause sleep disruptions. Digital screen emissions of blue light have been shown to reduce the synthesis of melatonin, a hormone that causes tiredness. People may so elect to remain up later than usual, which could result in chronic sleep deprivation.

Data Collection and Tracking

To customize the experience of its users, most large websites and online services gather and save user data. After then, this information might be applied for other purposes or to display targeted ads. Many times, the user is unaware of who has access to their data and it is stored without their knowledge or permission.


The internet has certain negative consequences even if it is an extremely strong and helpful technology. Cyber security dangers, psychological problems, and privacy concerns can all stem from it. It is critical to understand these dangers and to take steps to safeguard your online privacy.



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